Volume 38.1


In Memoriam
• Mavis Gallant (f) | Mau to Lew:The Maurice Ravel / Lewis Caroll Friendship / 9
• Barry Callaghan (n) | Mavis Gallant / 20
Jean-Aubert Loranger;Barry Callaghan (translator) (p) | Two Poems / 24
Matthew R. Loney (f) | Jesus Very Thin and Hungry / 28
George Elliott Clarke (n) | Neruda’s Loving Sonnets / 36
Pablo Neruda; Gustavo Escobedo (translator) (p) | 100 Love Sonnets / 38
Mónica Lavín (f) | Colon / 50
Giovanna Sandri; Guy Bennett (translator) (n, p, i) | From the Kangaroo to Aithyia (or How to Become Writing) / 52
Gunnar Harding; Roger Greenwald (translator) (p) | Guarding the Air / 94
Augustín Cadena (f) | The Vampire / 90
Araceli Ardón; C.M. Mayo (translator) (f) | It Is Nothing of Mine / 107
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